Thursday, October 7, 2010

Judicial Branch 1

Arena Digest: Kagan's Experience

Constitution Connection
"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court"

This article is about many opinions about Elena Kagan being chosen by President Obama for the Supreme Court. Former U.S. attorney general and chair in public policy of Ronald Reagan does not feel secure with her apart of the Supreme Court. He points out some good points though. She has a limited experience with politics and no judicial experience. A professor at the University of Iowa stands behind Obama's decision and against the people that don't think she should have a slot just because she has no judicial experience. The professor says that the United States has never had a professional judicial training. The director of The Heritage Foundation, Rory Cooper believes that this decision should be made thoughtfully and not rushed. He gives details about the last time "America took a chance on a young, inexperienced Harvard elite without asking any tough questions". His strongest point is that although she has no judicial or litigation experience, she has been "a champion of Obama's empathy standard, which takes equality out of the courts and replaces it with judicial emotion". Opinions have also been taken from a liberal activist, a commentator and publisher, and Christine Pelosi (attorney, author and Democratic activist). I think that she should be given a chance. Some strong points have been made and she is definitely qualified. I say she is qualified because the constitution does not include that in order to become a member of the Supreme Court, you have to have experience in judging.

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