Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Executive Branch

Pentagon tells gays to stay quiet

Constitution Connection
"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia"

A federal judge ordered a policy called "don't ask, don't tell" which bans members of the military to reveal their sexuality. Basically, if you are gay, you can not tell anyone. Now the pentagon is warning their members of this policy. The directive from Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Clifford Stanley expresses that the court should take back this law because it may and possibly could have "adverse consequences" meaning that the service members would oppose of this policy. The article proves that the DADT (don't ask, don't tell) policy is a violation of the members first amendment right.Phillips, the judge who ordered this policy, tells the government to be careful when passing this policy because many troops may be intimidated and feel that they are being banned of exercising their right of free speech. Phillips is raised with the question of whether or not the military will have to start kicking members out because of revealing their sexuality.
I think that the policy of not being allowed to reveal their sexual orientation is completely ridiculous. I don't agree with this policy because for one, it bans members from using their first amendment right, which all Americans are entitled to. are entitled to. My second reason is that because of this policy, more than 13,000 gay service members were discharged. ""
I think that it will not only affect the gay members emotionally but it will also affect the military. I think that the number of gays that were discharged will increase and it will be difficult to find members to join. Today, its already difficult for the military to recruit members. I think that gays that are interested in joining but know of the DADT policy will not be as excited about going.

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