Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Executive 2

Obama ramps up pitch on economy,0,6216828.story

There is no direct quote from the constitution in Article 2 that conects to this article, but article 2 is about the president. This article is about the president making a decision to focus on one problem for right now.

With six weeks until the midterm elections, President Obama has decided to focus on the number one issue, economy. The democrats blame the republicans for this economic problem. Polls have proved that the way that Obama approaches the economy will determine the outcome. At a finance dinner, Obama strongly blamed the republicans, as he referred to them as "the other side", for driving "the economy into the ditch, and we've been down there and putting on our boots, and it's muddy, and it's hot..." He also said that the republicans have been "standing there, slipping on a Slurpee". He is implying that now since, he, a democrat has been elected in office, the republicans are just sitting around waiting for them to fail. The republicans hhave made points to try to bring Obama down. They've pointed out that the stimulus has still not created enough jobs. Also, that we are in need of more tax cuts. A poll has resultedd in 40% of people believe that Republicans are better capable of dealing with economy. 38% believed the democrats were better. 49% of people that believe that jobs were most important believed the Democrats were better and the Republicans had 33%. I agree with Obama when he says that Bush drove us into a ditch and now all the Rebublicans are doing is sitting back watching us. My reasoning is because the article states, " Republicans are outside the political mainstream because they refuse to engage or compromise in helping develop legislation."

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